We just got a project settled into the subject of Environmental and Marine Biology at Abo Akademi University with 8 Baltic Sea partners (co-funded by the EU BiodivERsA Call on “Biodiversity and Climate Change“ and the Academy of Finland):
Pathogenic Vibrio bacteria in current and future Baltic Sea waters – mitigating the problem (BaltVib)
Vibrio – potential human pathogens in the ocean – present a significant threat to human health and tourism already today and even more so in the ocean of tomorrow.
BaltVib aims to delineate the current and future Vibrio status in the Baltic and the Archipelago Sea, and will determine key factors regulating Vibrio occurrence such as presence of key ecosystem engineers, which may locally be seagrass beds, bladderwrack communities or mussel assemblages.
This knowledge may help identifying nature-based solutions for the Vibrio problem locally and therefore may help human health and tourism industry.
A 2-year postdoc position will be available at AAU from early 2022.