
I currently have published 49 peer-reviewed publications in internationally renowned journals (including two recent book chapters), ~65% as first, second or senior author. My citation report shows an H-Index of 17 with more than 1200 citations (Web Of Science (43 publications included); H-Index of 20 and >1890 citations in google scholar; Jul 2024).

OrcID / Web of Science / ScopusResearchgate / Google Scholar


Peer-reviewed Book Chapters

Pansch C, Hu M, Weihrauch D, Buschbaum C (2022, in press) Chapter 9 – Impacts of ocean change on crustaceans. In: The Natural History of the Crustacea – X The Ecological Role and Conservation of Crustaceans. Edited by Thiel M, Poore A and Gutow L. Oxford University Press

Ringbom H, Hellström M, Pansch C, Tynkkynen N, Törnroos A (2023) The anatomy of complex marine problems: a case study on decision-making on archipelagic aquaculture. In: Understanding environmental change. Edited by Editors: Tynkkynen N, Jetoo S, Kouri J, Laine S and Törnroos A. Edward Elgar Publishing (


Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Fernández-Juárez V, Riedinger DJ, Gusmao JB, Delgado-Zambrano LF, Coll-García G, Papazachariou V, Herlemann DPR, Pansch C, Andersson AF, Labrenz M, Riemann L. 0. Temperature, sediment resuspension, and salinity drive the prevalence of Vibrio vulnificus in the coastal Baltic Sea. mBio 0:e01569-24 (

Gyraite G, Kataržytė M, Bučas M, Kalvaitienė G, Kube S, Herlemann DPR, Pansch C, Andersson AF, Pitkanen T, Hokajärvi AM, Annus-Urmet A, Hauk G, Hippelein M, Lastauskienė E, Labrenz M (2024) Epidemiological and environmental occurrence of the “big-four” Vibrio species: A Baltic Sea retrospective, 1994 – 2021. Eurosurveillance 29:pii=2400075 (

Ito M, Guy-Haim T, Sawall Y, Franz M, Buchholz B, Hansen T, Neitzel P, Pansch C, Steinhoff T, Wahl M, Weinberger F, Scotti M (2024) Responses at various levels of ecological hierarchy indicate acclimation to sequential sublethal heatwaves in a temperate benthic ecosystem. Philosophical Transactions B (

Riedinger DJ, Fernández-Juárez V, Delgado LF, Sperlea T, Hassenrück C, Herlemann DPR, Pansch C, Kataržytė M, Bruck F, Ahrens A, Rakowski M, Piwosz K, Stevenson A, Reusch TBH, Gyraitė G, Schulz-Bull D, Benterbusch-Brockmöller H, Kube S, Dupke S, Andersson AF, Riemann L, Labrenz M (2024) Control of Vibrio vulnificus proliferation in the Baltic Sea through eutrophication and algal bloom management. Nature Communications Earth Environment 5:246 (

Gusmao JB, Rühmkorff S, Kraufvelin L, Meysick L, Pansch C (2024) The interplay of co-occurring ecosystem engineers shapes the structure of benthic communities – a mesocosm experiment. Frontiers in Marine Science 11:1304442 (

Rühmkorff S, Wolf S, Vajedsamiei J, Barboza FR, Hiebenthal C, Pansch C (2023) Marine heatwaves and hypoxic upwelling shape stress responses in a keystone predator. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290:20222262 (

Gerhard M, Koussoroplis A-M, Raatz M, Pansch C, Fey SB, Vajedsamiei J, Calderó-Pascual M, Cunillera-Montcusí D, Juvigny-Khenafou NPD, Polazzo F, Thomas PK, Symons CC, Beklioğlu M, Berger SA, Chefaoui RM, Ali Ger K, Langenheder S, Nejstgaard JC, Ptacnik R, Striebel M (2022) Environmental variability in aquatic ecosystems: avenues for future multifactorial experiments. Limnology and Oceanography – Letters 8:247-266 (

Bommarito C, Khosravi M, Thieltges DW, Pansch C, Hamm T, Pranovi F, Vajedsamiei J (2022) Combined effects of salinity and trematode infections on the filtration capacity, growth and condition of mussels. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 699:33-44 (

Nour OM, Christian Pansch, Stumpp M (2022) Freshening and warming may restrict dispersal of Hemigrapsus takanoi into the Baltic Proper due to interactive effects on larval survival and feeding. Marine Biology 169:125 (

Pansch C, Raatz M, Comeau S, Hui TTY, Havenhand JN, Vajedsamiei J, Cornwall CE (2022) Editorial: Influence of environmental variability on climate change impacts in marine ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:994756 (

Noisette F, Pansch C, Wall M, Wahl M, Hurd CL (2022) Role of hydrodynamics in shaping chemical habitats and modulating the responses of coastal benthic systems to ocean global change. Global Change Biology 28:3812-3829 (

Wolf F, Seebass K, Pansch C (2022) The role of recovery phases in mitigating the negative impacts of marine heatwaves on the sea star Asterias rubens. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:790241 (

Hattich GSI, Listmann L, Govaert L, Pansch C, Reusch TBC, Matthiessen B (2022) Experimentally decomposing phytoplankton community change into ecological and evolutionary contributions. Functional Ecology 36:120-132 (

Bommarito C, Wahl M, Thieltges DW, Pansch C, Zucchetta M, Pranovi F (2022) Biotic and abiotic drivers affect parasite richness, prevalence and abundance in Mytilus galloprovincialis along the Northern Adriatic Sea. Parasitology 149:15-23(

Sawall Y, Ito M, Pansch C (2021) Chronically elevated sea surface temperatures revealed high susceptibility of the eelgrass Zostera marina to winter and spring warming. Limnology and Oceanography 66:4112-4124 (

Wahl M, Barboza FR, Buchholz B, Dobretsov S, Guy-Haim T, Rilov G, Schütt R, Wolf F, Vajedsamiei J, Yazdanpanah M, Pansch C (2021) Pulsed pressure: fluctuating impacts of multifactorial environmental change on a temperate macroalgal community. Limnology and Oceanography 66:4210-4226 (

Vajedsamiei J, Melzner F, Raatz M, Moron S, Pansch C (2021) Cyclic thermal fluctuations can be burden or relief for an ectotherm depending on fluctuations’ average and amplitude. Functional Ecology 35:2483–2496 (

Nour OM, Pansch C, Lenz M, Wahl M, Clemmesen-Bockelmann C, Stumpp M (2021) Impaired larval development at low salinities could limit the spread of the non-native crab Hemigrapsus takanoi in the Baltic Sea. Aquatic Biology 30:85-99 (

Vajedsamiei J, Wahl M, Schmidt A, Yazdanpanahan M, Pansch M (2021) The higher the needs, the lower the tolerance: Extreme events may select ectotherm recruits with lower metabolic demand and heat sensitivity. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:660427 (

Vajedsamiei J, Melzner F, Raatz M, Kiko R, Khosravi M, Pansch C (2021) Simultaneous recording of filtration and respiration in marine organisms in response to short-term environmental variability. Limnology and Oceanography – Methods 19:196-209 (

Paiva F, Brennecke D, Pansch C, Briski E (2021) Consistency of aquatic enclosed experiments: the importance of scale and ecological complexity. Diversity and Distributions 27:524-532 (

Johnson MJ, Hennigs LM, Sawall Y, Pansch C, Wall M (2021) Growth response of calcifying marine epibionts to biogenic pH fluctuations and global ocean acidification scenarios. Limnology and Oceanography 66:1125-1138 (

Bommarito C, Thieltges DW, Pansch C, Barboza FR, Pranovi F, Wahl M (2020) Effects of first intermediate host density, host size and salinity on trematode infections in mussels of the south-western Baltic Sea. Parasitology 148:486-494 (

Morón Lugo SC, Baumeister M, Nour OM, Wolf F, Stumpp M, Pansch C (2020) Warming and temperature variability determine the performance of two invertebrate predators. Scientific Reports 10:6780 (

Nour OM, Stumpp M, Morón Lugo SC, Barboza FR, Pansch C (2020) Population structure of the recent invader Hemigrapsus takanoi and prey size selection on Baltic Sea mussels. Aquatic Invasions 15:297-317 (

Bommarito C, Pansch C, Khosravi M, Pranovi F, Wahl M, Thieltges DW (2020) Freshening rather than warming drives trematode transmission from periwinkles to mussels. Marine Biology 167:46 (

Saha M, Barboza FR, Somerfield PJ, Al-Janabi B, Beck M, Brakel J, Ito M, Pansch C, Nascimento-Schulze JC, Jakobsson Thor SJ, Weinberger F, Sawall Y (2020) Response of foundation macrophytes to near-natural simulated marine heatwaves. Global Change Biology 26:417-430 (

Khosravi M, Nasrolahi A, Shokri MR, Dobretsov S, Pansch C (2019) Impact of warming on biofouling communities in the northern Persian Gulf. Journal of Thermal Biology 85:102403 (

Pansch C and Hiebenthal C (2019) A new mesocosm system to study the effects of environmental fluctuations on marine species and communities. Limnology and Oceanography – Methods 17:145-162 (

Pansch C, Scotti M, Barbozza FR, Al-Janabi B, Briski E, Paiva F, Saha M, Sawall Y, Weinberger F, Yto M, Wahl M (2018) Heat waves and their significance for a temperate benthic community: a near-natural experimental approach. Global Change Biology 24:4357-4367 (

Pansch C, Hattich GSI, Heinrichs M, Pansch A, Zagrodzka Z, Havenhand JN (2018) Long-term ocean acidification disrupts reproduction in barnacles. PLoS ONE 13:e0192036 (

Wahl M, Schneider S, Saderne V, Hiebenthal C, Müller JD, Pansch C, Sawall Y (2018) Macroalgae may mitigate ocean acidification effects on mussel calcification by increasing pH and its fluctuations. Limnology and Oceanography 63:3-21 (

Pansch C, Jonsson J, Berglin M, Pinori E, Elwing H, Wrange A-L (2017) A new flow-through bioassay for testing low-emission antifouling coatings. Biofouling 33:613-623 (

Taucher J, Bach LT, Boxhammer T, Nauendorf A, The Gran Canaria KOSMOS Consortium, Achterberg EP, Algueró-Muñiz M, Arístegui J, Czerny J, Esposito M, Guan W, Haunost M, Horn HG, Ludwig A, Meyer J, Spisla C, Sswat M, Stange P, Riebesell U (2017) Influence of Ocean Acidification and Deep Water Upwelling on Oligotrophic Plankton Communities in the Subtropical North Atlantic: Insights from an In situ Mesocosm Study. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:85 (

Bach LT, Taucher J, Boxhammer T, Ludwig A, The Kristineberg KOSMOS Consortium, Achterberg EP, Algueró-Muñiz M, Anderson LG, Bellworthy J, Büdenbender J, Czerny J, Ericson Y, Esposito M, Fischer M, Haunost M, Hellemann D, Horn HG, Hornick T, Meyer J, Sswat M, Zark M, Riebesell U (2016) Influence of Ocean Acidification on a Natural Winter-to-Summer Plankton Succession: First Insights from a Long-Term Mesocosm Study Draw Attention to Periods of Low Nutrient Concentrations. PLoS ONE 11:e0159068 (

Nasrolahi A, Havenhand JN, Wrange A-L, Pansch C (2016) Population and life-stage specific sensitivities to temperature and salinity stress in barnacles? Scientific Reports 6:32263 (

Appelhans YS, Thomsen J, Opitz S, Pansch C, Melzner F, Wahl M (2014) Juvenile sea stars exposed to acidification decrease feeding and growth with no acclimation potential. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 509:227-239 (

Pansch C, Schaub I, Havenhand JN, Wahl M (2014) Habitat traits and food availability determine the response of marine invertebrates to ocean acidification. Global Change Biology 20:765-777 (

Pansch C, Nasrolahi A, Appelhans YS, Wahl M (2013) Tolerance of juvenile barnacles (Amphibalanus improvisus) to warming and elevated pCO2. Marine Biology 160:2023-2035 (

Pansch C, Schlegel P, Havenhand JN (2013) Larval development of the barnacle Amphibalanus improvisus responds variably but robustly to near-future ocean acidification. ICES Journal of Marine Science 70:805-811 (

Thomsen J, Casties I, Pansch C, Körtzinger A, Melzner F (2013) Food availability outweighs ocean acidification effects in juvenile Mytilus edulis: laboratory and field experiments. Global Change Biology 19:1017-1027 (

Nasrolahi A, Pansch C, Lenz M, Wahl M (2012) Temperature and salinity interactively impact early juvenile development – a bottleneck in barnacle ontogeny. Marine Biology 160:1109-1117 (

Pansch C, Nasrolahi A, Appelhans YS, Wahl M (2012) Impacts of ocean warming and acidification on the larval development of the barnacle Amphibalanus improvisus. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 420:48-55 (

Nasrolahi A, Pansch C, Lenz M, Wahl M (2012) Being young in a changing world: how temperature and salinity changes interactively modify the performance of larval stages of the barnacle Amphibalanus improvisus. Marine Biology 159:331-340 (

Appelhans YS, Thomsen J, Pansch C, Melzner F, Wahl M (2012) Sour times: seawater acidification effects on growth, feeding behaviour and acid-base status of Asterias rubens and Carcinus maenas. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 459:85-98 (

Pansch C, Cerda O, Lenz M, Wahl M, Thiel M (2009) Consequences of light reduction for anti-herbivore defense and bioactivity against mussels in four seaweed species from northern-central Chile. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 381:83-97 (

Pansch C, Gómez I, Rothäusler E, Veliz K, Thiel M (2008) Species-specific defense strategies of vegetative versus reproductive blades of the Pacific kelps Lessonia nigrescens and Macrocystis integrifolia. Marine Biology 155:51-62 (