
Peer-reviewed journal publications

1. Gusmao JB, Rühmkorff S, Kraufvelin L, Meysick L, Pansch C (2024) The interplay of co-occurring ecosystem engineers shapes the structure of benthic communities – a mesocosm experiment. Frontiers in Marine Science 11:1304442 (


MSc and BSc theses

1. Sarah Rühmkorff – Mechanistic functioning in an epi- and infaunal bivalve-seagrass community (2022). MSc thesis Kiel University & GEOMAR, Germany
2. Riitta Maila Chorfi – Multiple stressor effect study on Zostera marina’s morphological properties, erosion mitigation capacity and shoot dislodgement in the Turku Archipelago, Finland (2023). MSc thesis University of Akureyri, University Centre of the Westfjords, Iceland
3. Leonie Däschle and Leonie Zimmermann – Thermal Performance function of the Invasive Mud crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (2024). BSc of Science – Environmental Biosciences Faculty of Spatial and Environmental Sciences Universität Trier
4. Joose Janatuinen – Marina värmeböljor och habitatbildande arters inverkanpå etablering av artsamhällen (2024). Kandidatavhandling, Åbo Akademi University