Saskia Funk

Hejsan! I’m Saskia and originally from the south of Germany and have now moved north from the University of Tübingen via the GEOMAR in Kiel to Husö Biologiska Station for the summer! In Tübingen I study Geoecology with a specialisation in nature conservation and biodiversity.  However, I have so far mainly focused on terrestrial ecosystems and only started to consider marine ecology as a research option after a field course in the summer of last year. Even later that year, a friend from Kiel told me about the GAME project, and I was immediately excited to be a part of the program. Conducting a full project abroad and in the field, while being part of an international group of students, was the perfect option for my Master’s thesis project.
Now that I’m on Åland, I look forward to expanding my knowledge of marine organisms and experimental field methods and enjoying long forest walks and kayaking tours in my free time!