Scientific Services


Head of Subject of Environmental and Marine Biology at Åbo Akademi University

Member of the Steering Committee of the profiling area The Sea at Åbo Akademi University

Member of the Steering Group for the Centre for Sustainable Ocean Science (SOS)


Associate Editor in Marine Biology

Associate Guest Editor in Limnology and Oceanography (Special Issue – Mesocosms: bridging the gap between in-situ and laboratory studies)

Reviewer for: Oecologia, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Estuarine Coastal & Shelf Science, Biogeosciences, PLoS One, Aquaculture Research, JEMBE, ICES Journal of Marine Science, Marine Biology, Journal of Crustacean Biology, Limnology and Oceanography: Methods


Member of the National IPCC working Group with preparations related to the upcoming work of the IPCC 7th Assessment Report cycle

GAME partner since 2021. GAME is a hybrid program encompassing research and teaching, hosting students from Åbo Akademi University and different German Universities annually.

2023: Charm-EU Capstone task as second reader for the “Study on the trade and climate nexus in the agri-food sector globally (stakeholder: Institute for European Environmental Policy)”

Member of the Finnish Union of University Professors (since 2023)

Research strategy development within the EU-CHARM university alliance for SDG-C2
“Mapping Risks, Joining Funds, Taking Actions – Fostering Nature-based Solutions to
Mitigate Climate-related Hazards (within Torch-EU; since 2022)

Associate Member and Finnish national representative of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Working Group 149 on CHANGING OCEAN BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS (COBS) – How will biota respond to a changing ocean & Multi-Stressor experimentation (2020-ongoing)

European Scientific Diver with missions in diverse national and international projects (KOSMOS project, Kristineberg, Sweden (2013) and KOSMOS project Gran Canaria, Spain (2014), under coordination of Ulf Riebesell; annual cruises within the western Baltic Sea, under coordination of Martin Wahl)




Lindau Alumni Peer Reviewer for the Science Challenge “A Quantum Leap for Biodiversity” together with the Families for Nature Foundation. Science Challenge: revolutionary technologies and methods to enhance efforts toward biodiversity conservation.

Representative of the Research Diving Advisory Board (Forschungstauch-Beirat) at CAU Kiel (2017-2019)

Organizer of the Workshop on Arctic Benthocosms at GEOMAR Kiel with 10 participants (Dec 2017)

Representative of Postdocs at GEOMAR, Kiel and Representative of the Integrated Marine Postdoc Network IMAP at the Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean“, Kiel (2016-2018)

Dive Group Leader EÖB-GEOMAR (2014-2019; organizing for cruises and the in-house dive workshop)

Organizer of the session 100 “Environmental variability and climate change: linking environmental variation and organism responses across scales“ by Christian Pansch, Oscar Guadayol, Jonathan Havenhand, Florence Thomas and Jörn Thomsen at the 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, USA

Guest Editor in Frontiers in Marine Science