Current Group



To be filled- Project Researcher within the Centre for Sustainable Ocean Science, 1.9.2024-28.2.2027:


Joao B. Gusmao: Åbo Akademi University Postdoc Researcher within BaltVib -> Researchgate



Lukas Meysick: Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity at the University of Oldenburg (HIFMB) -> Researchgate 




PhD candidates

Amalia Skrifvars: Åbo Akademi University “Resilience of Arctic and subarctic phytoplankton to global warming” (co-supervision, PhD 2024 – 2028)




Sarah Rühmkorff: Åbo Akademi University “Resilience of Seagrass Ecosystems through Habitat Heterogeneity and Genetic Diversity” (PhD 2023 – 2027)



Anna Ikonen: Åbo Akademi University “Ecology and Evolution of resurrected Diatoms from the Baltic Sea” (co-supervision, PhD 2023 – 2027)




Lucinda Kraufvelin: Åbo Akademi University “Impacts of marine heatwaves on the functioning of temperate coastal ecosystems under the influence of non-indigenous species” (PhD, 2021 – 2025) -> Researchgate




Bachelor and Master students and internships

Leonie Zimmermann & Leonie Dächte: Trier University (BSc theses Jul – Sep 2023)

Leonie Zimmermann & Leonie Dächte: Trier University (Internship and Internship March 2023)

Jeanette Winberg: Åbo Akademi University “Influence of a marine heatwave on species compositions in sandy-sediment seagrass-bivalve assemblages following a 3-months community experiment” (main supervisor, co-supervision by Lucinda Kraufvelin (ÅAU) and Joao B. Gusmao (ÅAU); Master 2023-2024)

Sofia von Nandelstadh: Åbo Akademi University “How does artificial light at night (ALAN) impact marine filter feeders”, as part of the GAME project 2023 (main supervisor, Master 2022-2023)